[tz] tzdata 2016g

Deborah Goldsmith goldsmit at apple.com
Mon Sep 26 18:09:27 UTC 2016

I agree completely.


> On Sep 26, 2016, at 10:25 AM, Paul.Koning at dell.com wrote:
>> On Sep 26, 2016, at 12:26 PM, Paul Eggert <eggert at CS.UCLA.EDU> wrote:
>> On 09/26/2016 09:02 AM, Deborah Goldsmith wrote:
>>> Is there any news on this? Any further word from ICANN?
>> Although the IESG has been pinged about the situation with https://www.iana.org/time-zones, I'm afraid I know of no news yet.In the meantime you should be able to get the 2016g data from the sources mentioned in earlier emails, in tar.gz, tar.lz, .zip or uncompressed form. Please see:
>> http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/tz/2016-September/024162.html
> This is quite insane.  The whole point of getting IANA involved in this process is to put it in the hands of a well established reliable organization. 
> If they aren't capable of dealing with this trivial clerical work promptly, we need to take it away from them and put the job into hands that are capable of doing the job.
> I really don't like the notion of having to go to alternate data sources when the official one is not doing its job.  It's hard to set up sane processes for using data when part of the process is "go look around for a believable copy of the latest data".
> 	paul

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