[tz] Please include Montreal

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Sun Nov 12 01:19:48 UTC 2017

Sébastien Bouchard wrote:
> It would be nice if Montreal was included in your database. There are smaller cities that are listed.

Yes, some small cities are listed, like Blanc-Sablon. However, some large cities 
are omitted. Beijing, for example, is not listed even though it's larger than 
Toronto. The listing criteria are here:


One guideline is, "If all the clocks in a region have agreed since 1970, don't 
bother to include more than one location even if subregions' clocks disagreed 
before 1970." Montreal has agreed with Toronto since 1970 so it's in the same 
region as Toronto, and we'd rather not have multiple names for the same region. 
If we added Montreal, then Québec would want in too, and after that Gatineau, 
and Sherbrooke, and Trois-Rivières - and how could we say no to Saguenay? We 
lack the resources to manage all these names so we list only the largest city in 
each region, which in your case is Toronto.

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