[tz] Please include Montreal

Guy Harris guy at alum.mit.edu
Sun Nov 12 02:06:51 UTC 2017

On Nov 11, 2017, at 5:27 PM, Zefram <zefram at fysh.org> wrote:

> It's not a database of cities but of timezones.

So every UI that offers a list of tzdb names (or tzdb names slightly tweaked by replacing underscores with blanks, or whatever) as if it were a list of cities is broken.

If that's what Linux Mint offers, the developers of the GUI it offers to choose a time zone should look at how Apple does it.  No tzdb zone names visible whatsoever; just a map where you can pick your location, a text box in which you can see a drop-down list of cities near the location or type in a city name (and, yes, they have Montreal), and an option to just let the system pick the time zone automatically (presumably it uses Location Services, which, on a Mac, uses Wi-Fi and, presumably, a database of networks, and looks the location up in a map).

(Speaking of Apple: Deborah, does this:


mean Apple's now sending tzdb updates out independently of release updates?)

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