[tz] [IANA #985615] Sudan Time Zone change

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Tue Oct 17 19:04:07 UTC 2017

On 10/17/2017 11:48 AM, Paul Eggert wrote:
> On 10/16/2017 05:34 PM, ahmed.atyya at ntc.gov.sd wrote:
>> the Republic of Sudan is going to change the time zone from (GMT + 
>> 3:00) to (GMT+ 2:00) starting from Wednesday 1 November 2017.
> Thank you for letting us know. Can you please cite a government 
> publication or a newspaper argument that specifies this change?

I meant to ask for a "newspaper article", not a "newspaper argument". 
Sorry about the confusion.

> Preferably with a URL, so that others can read it. Although English 
> publications are preferred, Arabic is also fine.
> When exactly will the change occur? What time of day?
> Is the change intended to be permanent?
> Does the change affect all of Sudan, or only some regions? If so, 
> which regions?

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