[tz] Western Australia time zone January 1, 2019

Paul G paul at ganssle.io
Sun Apr 1 18:48:21 UTC 2018

Jeez, this is really stretching the definition of a prank.

On April 1, 2018 6:32:04 PM UTC, Steffen Thorsen <thorsen at timeanddate.com> wrote:
>It is an April Fools Joke, the article ends with "Today’s date is April
>Best regards,
>Steffen Thorsen - timeanddate.com
>On 01/04/2018 18:45 , Paul Eggert wrote:
>> Today the Guardian Express of Perth reported that the government of 
>> Western Australia has decided to advance the clocks permanently from 
>> +0800 to +0900 on January 1, 2019. Presumably the time will still be 
>> called Australian Western Standard Time (AWST), as it will still 
>> differ by 30 minutes from ACST (+0930). For now, I suppose we should 
>> guess that Australia/Eucla will simultaneously switch from +0845 to 
>> +0915 so as to stay halfway between AWST and ACST.
>> Daylight saving coming to WA in 2019. Guardian Express. 2018-04-01. 
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