[tz] North Korea timezone to become GMT+9 from May 5 2018

Phake Nick c933103 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 30 10:30:54 UTC 2018

ah didn't realize similar messages have been posted onto the list
beforehand, sorry for the duplication

在 2018年4月30日週一 17:07,Magnus Danielson <magnus at rubidium.dyndns.org> 寫道:

> Hi,
> On 04/30/2018 09:38 AM, Phake Nick wrote:
> > The URL to the announcement cannot be directly copied, but you can
> > access www.kcna.kp <http://www.kcna.kp> then select "English" on top
> > right hand corner, and then there will be an article titled "SPA
> > Presidium of DPRK Decides to Reset Pyongyang Time" which talk about the
> > upcoming change in time in North Korea. Media outside North Korea have
> > reported about it too. However, there are no info with respect to
> > exactly which moment in May 5 are they switching their timezone
> Reading:
> 8<---
> Pyongyang, April 30 (KCNA) -- The Presidium of the Supreme People's
> Assembly of the DPRK adopted a decree "On Resetting Pyongyang Time" on
> Monday.
> The decree reads:
> The Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK decides as
> follows to unify the times of the north and the south:
> Firstly, Pyongyang time shall be reset into GMT+09:00 (30 minutes
> earlier than the present time) with the 135th degree of east longitude
> as prime meridian.
> Secondly, the reset Pyongyang time shall be applied from May 5, Juche
> 107 (2018).
> Thirdly, the Cabinet and relevant organs of the DPRK shall take
> practical steps to implement the decree. -0-
> --->8
> With that, we have an english text confirming what has been interpreted
> before. Thanks.
> Cheers,
> Magnus
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