[tz] Chile changes dates for DST from 2019

Tim Parenti tim at timtimeonline.com
Mon Aug 13 15:19:44 UTC 2018


Thank goodness for captions:

[0:00-0:17] El cambio de horario realizado el pasado sábado 11 de agosto,
> fue el último establecido en el Decreto Supremo 253 del 2016.  Ello nos
> obliga como Gobierno a definir el nuevo régimen horario que tendrá nuestro
> país a partir del 2019.
> The time change made last Saturday, 11 August, was the last one
> established in Supreme Decree 253 of 2016. This obliges us, as a
> Government, to define the new time schedule that our country will have from
> of 2019.

So we can expect, when the new schedule "ends", we may have another
change.  (At least this announcement was about as prompt as you can get
without causing much confusion in the general public.)

[0:44-0:55] Queremos anunciar como Gobierno que a partir de 2019, se
> aumentará el horario de invierno a 5 meses, entre el primer sábado de
> abril, y el primer sábado de septiembre.
> We want to announce as Government that from 2019, Winter Time will be
> increased to 5 months, between the first Saturday of April and the first
> Saturday of September.
> [1:35-1:40] El horario de verano comenzará el primer sábado de cada año…
> Summer Time will start on the first Saturday of each year…

Combined with the timestamps Juan provided, Yonathan's statement that "we
all know it means Sunday at midnight", as well as Chile's preference for
transitions on Saturdays at 24:00 mainland time, it sounds like DST will
start and end on the first Saturday at 24:00, in September and April,
respectively; this can be modeled in a similar manner as before by a
transition at 03:00/04:00 UTC on Sun>=2.

[2:08-2:20] La región de Magallanes mantendrá su hora actual, tal como lo
> decidió la ciudadanía durante 2017, pero nuestro Gobierno promoverá una
> mesa de diálogo regional para recabar su opinión al respecto.
> The Magallanes region will maintain its current time, as decided by the
> citizens during 2017, but our Government will promote a regional dialogue
> table to gather their opinion on this matter.

(The on-screen text at 2:07 mentions Antarctica, too, which we include with
Magallanes in America/Punta_Arenas.)

There's a pretty major social media campaign behind the announcement today,
and this other tweet caught my eye:


Mantendremos la nueva política horaria sin modificaciones por lo menos en
> los próximos 4 años.
> We will keep the new time policy unchanged for at least the next 4 years.

So, while we can probably expect more changes eventually, I think our
normal practice of extending the latest predictions indefinitely until
proven otherwise is still reasonable here.

Proposed patch attached.

Tim Parenti

On 13 August 2018 at 10:11, Yonathan Dossow <ydossow at inf.utfsm.cl> wrote:

> Hi Juan,
> the video says "first saturday of september", we all know it means
> sunday at midnight. So, in september 2019, is the second sunday.
> kind regards.
> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Juan Correa" <pottersys at gmail.com>
> > To: "tz" <tz at iana.org>
> > Sent: Monday, August 13, 2018 11:01:44 AM
> > Subject: [tz] Chile changes dates for DST from 2019
> > As of moments ago, the Ministry of Energy in Chile has announced the new
> schema
> > for DST.
> > From 2019, Chile will end DST (jump from UTC -3 to UTC -4) on the first
> sunday
> > of April (2019-04-07T03:00:00Z); and will start DST (from UTC -4 to UTC
> -3) the
> > first sunday of September (2019-09-08T04:00:00Z)
> > Also, the Ministry (Susana Jimenez) announced this decision will stick
> until
> > 2021; and that Magallanes will keep its own time zone (but there will be
> > meetings to talk about this)
> > Announcement in video (in spanish): [
> > https://twitter.com/MinEnergia/status/1029000399129374720 |
> > https://twitter.com/MinEnergia/status/1029000399129374720 ]
> > --
> > Juan Correa Poblete
> > PS Labs ( [ http://www.pslabs.cl/ | http://www.pslabs.cl ] )
> --
> Yonathan Dossow                                Fono: +56 32 2654367
> Unidad de Infraestructura y Tecnología  Departamento de Informática
> Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María          Valparaíso, Chile
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