[tz] Need to update Kansas City, MO

Kevin DeCapite kevin at decapite.net
Sat Feb 24 18:50:01 UTC 2018

I would like to propose a change to the database to account for Kansas City, Missouri, USA as having not observed DST between 1946 - 1965.

Please see the source book referenced in the link (page 87 in the actual printed pages, standard PDF is the best way to view it):

https://archive.org/details/time-changes-in-usa-1966 <https://archive.org/details/time-changes-in-usa-1966>

I can also confirm the accuracy of at least this piece of information through testimony. What are the procedures for formally proposing, reviewing & accepting/rejecting such changes?

Thank you.

Kevin DeCapite
kevin at decapite.net

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