[tz] Inappropriate project direction

Steffen Nurpmeso steffen at sdaoden.eu
Thu Feb 8 19:50:06 UTC 2018

Andreas Stieger <astieger at suse.com> wrote:
 |On 02/08/2018 06:41 PM, Steve Allen wrote:
 |> The current EU directive on summer time is
 |> http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:32000L0084
 |> In that we see that the EU bureaucrats have not seen necessity to be
 |> consistent about whether they mean Greenwich, Universal, or Coordinated.
 |Maybe they can figure out while the European Parliament is asking for a
 |review anyway:

Want to get rid of DST, but that does not change the meaning of
time.  It says "numerous scientific studies" "have instead
indicated the existence of negative effects on human health"
regarding to DST.  Sometimes i am a bit afraid when i have to face
such major overengineering, given that we no longer need wale
hunting for blubber but only need to look at a lot of first world
kids, not to talk about the massive abuse of medication and, puuh,
alcohol, one of the "three most dangerous drugs" i guess.
Plastics, industrial pollution, etc.  Wow.  That mix even revives

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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