[tz] Getting current tzdb version in use

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Fri Jul 20 17:52:32 UTC 2018

Brian Inglis wrote:
> Also whether zone.tab or zone1970.tab was used, the leapseconds.nnn... file used
> as leapseconds.list, REDO value {posix|right}_{only|right|posix}, and any other
> zic input selections I missed.

Thanks for checking that. Aside from REDO, those things are not intended to be 
tailored by tzdb's makefile. For example, if a distributor chooses to install 
zone1970.tab as "zone.tab" then they'll need to alter the version string to let 
users know they didn't simply do something like 'make BACKWARD= install' but are 
instead doing their own thing.

Although REDO is intended to be tailored by distributors, I had omitted it from 
tzdata.zi because tzdata.zi does not contain any information about leap seconds. 
(This is by design: tzdata.zi is intended to be useful for both 
leap-second-aware and no-leap-second-only TZif files, and installing both 
tzdata.zi and 'leapseconds' suffices for that.) However, I suppose it might be 
useful for tzdata.zi to propagate REDO info to indicate which leap second regime 
is supported by the generated TZif files on the installed platform, so I propose 
the attached patch to do that. This patch also widens the net to record weirder 
selections of input files.
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