[tz] Casey time zone change

Paul G paul at ganssle.io
Wed Mar 14 23:06:34 UTC 2018

This is a retroactive change?

Does that mean a new release is needed, or do people down there not use the tzdb info? Or does conclusion mean no one is there anymore?

On March 14, 2018 10:23:13 PM UTC, Steffen Thorsen <thorsen at timeanddate.com> wrote:
>Australian Antarctic Division informed us:
>With the conclusion of the Australian Antarctica Division’s aviation 
>program for the 2017/18 season, please change your time for Casey 
>station to *UTC +8*  on Sunday 11th March (this change will take place 
>on 11th March at 4am (UTC +11)).
>Best regards,
>Steffen Thorsen - timeanddate.com
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