[tz] Brazilian Timezone

Christian Brackmann christian.brackmann at iffarroupilha.edu.br
Tue May 15 18:56:51 UTC 2018


I wonder about the brazilian timezone you call as "America/Sao_Paulo". In
Brazil, São Paulo is just a city (with a very large population indeed), but
as oficial time in Brazil we use the capital of Brazil, called "Brasília".

Why do you use the city of São Paulo as reference? Our legal local time is
Brasilia and not São Paulo. Can you please explain it better?

Thank you in advance. Best regards.

Prof. Dr. Christian Puhlmann Brackmann
Coordenador Geral de Pós-Graduação
Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa, Pós-graduação e Inovação
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Farroupilha (IFFAR)
brackmann at iffarroupilha.edu.br
+55 55 3226 6636 / 98100-1819


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