[tz] Correcting daylight-savings time for central Missouri prior to 1967

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Fri Nov 23 20:45:53 UTC 2018

Jane Eisenstein wrote:
> I was born and raised in central Missouri and know most of Missouri did not observe daylight-savings time prior to 1967. Areas close to Kansas City or St. Louis did observe  daylight-savings time prior to 1967.  I’ve also attached supporting scans of Missouri daylight-savings time information from the 1991 revision of Time Changes in the U.S.A. by Doris Chase Doane.

Doane partitions Missouri into about two dozen regions with distinct time zone 
histories. In contrast, Shanks[1] lists 49 such regions in Missouri. Both 
authors say Missouri agrees with America/Chicago after 1970 so we haven't needed 
to create a new zone for any of these regions, under the guidelines Guy Harris 

We've found Shanks to be unreliable, and if Doane (like Shanks) cites no sources 
it's probably no better than Shanks, and most likely worse. If someone did the 
legwork to come up with primary sources for Missouri (copies of old newspapers 
and the like), we could put the resulting data into the 'backzone' file. It'd be 
some work, though.

Shanks TG. The American Atlas. 5th ed. 1990. ACS. 

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