[tz] Epic fail for DST fallback in hospital health records

Lester Caine lester at lsces.co.uk
Tue Nov 6 22:04:15 UTC 2018

On 06/11/2018 20:21, Hal Murray wrote:
> My reading on this whole mess is that the medical community doesn't take
> testing software seriously.  It may be as simple as senior executives with
> budget problems aren't willing to pay for testing because they don't
> understand that you have to do lots of it if you expect your systems to work
> reliably.

The fact that the developers have made no provision for a well known 
problem is simple incompetence, and I would not be surprised if they 
were found liable if anybody was killed. Yes the software needs testing, 
but the simple operational requirements should not need to be explicitly 
specified in the specifications? ANYBODY designing a system that has 
essentially to work 24/7 and perhaps as a patient is being transferred 
across timezones should not be an area where they simply don't bother 
about using a stable timing system? But then if they are using windows 
anyway perhaps they don't even know that the clock changes sometimes?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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