[tz] Epic fail for DST fallback in hospital health records

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Thu Nov 8 20:43:03 UTC 2018

On 11/8/18 1:21 AM, Clive D.W. Feather wrote:
> There were overnight trains then: the sleepers.

There still are: GWR's Night Riviera, Serco's Caledonian Sleeper, and 
(if you're wealthy) Belmond's Royal Scotsman. I rode a sleeper from 
London to Edinburgh long ago and would like to do it again some time if 
Serco ever gets their act together:

Murray P. New Caledonian Sleeper trains slip to May next year. Inverness 
Courier. 2018-10-01. 

I just now tried to schedule a slot in the Caledonian Sleeper from 
London Euston to Edinburgh Waverley arriving Sunday, 2019-10-27, which 
could be an interesting date given the disputes over Brexit and EU DST. 
Unfortunately for my experiment, that train doesn't operate Sunday 
mornings - which is perhaps the simplest way for a sleeper train 
operator to address the issue.

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