[tz] 2018f tzdb released with bug
Laurenti, Leandro
Leandro.Laurenti at ca.com
Mon Oct 22 16:11:47 UTC 2018
A/C Mr. Paul Eggert
After several years, the DST start time was changed in Brazil. Until the last year, it was set to start in the 3rd weekend of October. In this year, it will start on November 4th.
So, we were instructing our customers to run the tzupdater tool , from oracle, that relies on the "tzdata-latest.tar.gz" file from IANA.
However, when the customers are trying to update java, they are getting the following error:
Failed: java.lang.Exception: Failed while parsing file 'C:\Users\ME928~1.SYR\AppData\Local\Temp\tz.tmp_5\asia' on line 1655 'Rule Japan 1948 1951
- Sep Sat>=8 25:00 0 S'
java.lang.Exception: Failed while parsing file 'C:\Users\ME928~1.SYR\AppData\Local\Temp\tz.tmp_5\asia' on line 1655 'Rule Japan 1948 1951 -
S Sat>=8 25:00 0 S'
So it seems to be a problem with 2018f version of the tzdb file... It seems the 2018e version is working fine.
Not sure if someone from Brazil or any other country already have contacted you...
Since this is a very critical problem, we hope this to be fixed asap.
Thank you in advance.
Best Regards,
Leandro Laurenti
Support Engineer
CA Technologies | Av. Dr. Chucri Zaidan, 1240 26º e 27º andares, Golden Tower | Sao Paulo, SP 04711-130
Office: +80353 | Leandro.Laurenti at ca.com
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