[tz] English months
Brian Inglis
Brian.Inglis at SystematicSw.ab.ca
Fri Sep 14 05:58:13 UTC 2018
On 2018-09-13 00:52, Phake Nick wrote:
> - Is it correct to think it is similar to English, where December is Dec
> which mean the tenth despite being the 12th month?
Those months are derived from the Latin used by the Roman church which provided
the clerks who originally constructed calendars, assigned saints' days and holy
days, and recorded business and events according to their calendar.
Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
This email may be disturbing to some readers as it contains
too much technical detail. Reader discretion is advised.
The primitive Roman calendar started in spring like many others, and did not
name the winter months; later they were added to the end of the year as
Ianuarius and Februarius, with the leap day correction added at the start of the
last week of February; then the start of the year was shifted from the end of
the winter months to the start of the winter months; although the year number
did not change until spring (the Hebrew calendar still does something like this,
as may others).
After the change to the Gregorian calendar, some important legal days were
shifted so they occurred 365/366 days after the previous occurrence of that day
on the old calendar (including birth dates amd anniversaries), where others were
held to occur on the same month and date as on the old calendar, and the year
numbering changed at the start of January.
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