[tz] [DRAFT] EU-related changes likely – here’s a heads-up
Joseph Myers
jsm at polyomino.org.uk
Sat Sep 15 11:57:36 UTC 2018
On Sat, 15 Sep 2018, Paul Eggert wrote:
> + * Use numeric offsets for abbreviations in the new zones, as it is
> + too early to know what English-language abbreviations (if any)
> + will be used. For example, if Spain stays at +02 all year, it's
> + not clear whether people will call its time "Eastern European
> + Time" (a geographic misnomer) or some other name. Although
The press Q&A indicates the Commission interprets it as moving one
timezone to the east ("Currently there are three standard time zones in
the EU: Western European Time (Ireland, Portugal, UK), Central European
Time (17 Member States) and Eastern European Time (Bulgaria, Cyprus,
Estonia, Finland, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania). Member States
choosing to keep permanent summertime will automatically change to the
next time zone (standard time + 1 hour)."), though of course that doesn't
say what people will actually call it (or what the Commission thinks the
name for UTC+3 should be).
(Presumably people in Europe will, having to deal with multiple timezones
routinely, find they do in fact need to have names / abbreviations for the
timezones - and will need to have them in English even if English ceases
to be an official EU language - so the issue of invention should not arise
as it does in places that don't routinely need to talk about multiple
timezones in English.)
Joseph S. Myers
jsm at polyomino.org.uk
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