[tz] Today's CalConnect event

Kim Davies kim.davies at iana.org
Thu Feb 14 20:14:33 UTC 2019

Quoting John Wilcock on Thursday February 14, 2019:
> > 
> > We don't, but even if we did arrange for that, it appears the default
> > terms of licensing would preclude sharing its contents for consideration
> > by this group:
> Is it just me being naïve, or is it not possible that official contacts
> between the two organisations might result in the IATA data being made
> available for comparison purposes, under conditions more advantageous than
> the default licence, to the benefit of both parties?

We could always seek custom terms, obviously we have no idea if it would
be successful. To me it is a question of how important IATA's data is to
this group to support a potentially significant amount of work needed to
pursue this.


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