[tz] Add new timezone for Hanoi Capital, Vietnam

Phake Nick c933103 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 18 06:17:32 UTC 2019

Southern Vietnan was using UTC+8 during that period while Northern Vietnam
was using UTC+7

On 2019-2-18 Mon 13:09, Guy Harris <guy at alum.mit.edu> wrote:

> On Feb 17, 2019, at 5:43 PM, Phake Nick <c933103 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > It is actually reasonable to have both Asia/Hanoi and Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh
> in tz database because the two cities (and the two fractions that control
> them) used different timezone from year 1968 to 1975, which mean even time
> after the UNIX Epoch would be affected.
> Any references for what differed between the two regions?
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