[tz] tzdb timezone names/identifiers and links

Martin Burnicki martin.burnicki at meinberg.de
Tue Feb 26 09:53:02 UTC 2019

Guy Harris wrote:
> On Feb 26, 2019, at 12:50 AM, Martin Burnicki <martin.burnicki at meinberg.de> wrote:
>> While "Europa/Makedonien" is shown in KDE, "Europe/Macedonia" comes from
>> tzselect:
> That's "Macedonia" as an item in tzselect, under the continent of Europe, in the tzselect script (rather than "Europe/Macedonia" as a string).
> That means it comes from the iso3166.tab file (which now says "North Macedonia").
> For which of the languages with entries in ISO 639 are you suggesting that the tzdb maintainers supply translations of that file?

There are no specific cases.

I just saw that the time zone and time zone name handling in different
user interfaces is sometimes very different, and if you select a
specific setting on different systems you can't even be sure that you
get the same results, e.g. regarding DST settings.

So I thought this might be a way to make the handling more consistent
and less confusing for users with even less experience with tzdb than I
have myself. ;-)

Martin Burnicki

Senior Software Engineer

MEINBERG Funkuhren GmbH & Co. KG
Email: martin.burnicki at meinberg.de
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