[tz] tzdb timezone names/identifiers and links (was: Add new timezone for Hanoi Capital, Vietnam)

Tim Parenti tim at timtimeonline.com
Tue Feb 19 22:31:01 UTC 2019

So, since it's pretty clear that the "There should typically be at least
one name for each ISO 3166-1 officially assigned two-letter code for an
inhabited country or territory" guideline has been, if not abandoned
entirely, at least significantly de-prioritized, perhaps theory.html needs
an update indicating that, yes, this *used* to be considered more
important, but is not any longer (perhaps going a bit into the rationale),
and that we don't intend to create new zones anymore if that's the only

Tim Parenti

On Tue, 19 Feb 2019 at 17:25, Michael H Deckers <
michael.h.deckers at googlemail.com> wrote:

> On 2019-02-19 21:22, Tim Parenti wrote:
> > Frankly, it seems it was because when Asia/Hanoi was added to backzone
> (in
> > 2014, not "five years later" as you write), the opportunity was taken
> then
> > and there to change/redefine the rules to avoid scope creep.  Which is
> all
> > well and good from a project maintenance standpoint, though I can totally
> > see why that can seem unfair from a human standpoint.
>     So, before the inclusion of backzone/Asia/Hanoi on 2014-10-22,
>     a little "scope creep" was still allowed on 2013-09-20 for
>     America/Curacao (which agrees with America/Port_of_Spain
>     since 1970) but not for America/Aruba (which also does)?
>     I understand that tzdb is a non-commercial project -- but
>     this is just one more reason to establish simple and stable
>     guidelines that are easily understood, rather than to hunt
>     for elusive goals.
>     Michael Deckers.
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