[tz] About time

Arthur David Olson arthurdavidolson at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 23:19:58 UTC 2019

Having stumbled across a copy of the educational film "About Time," I can
correct the quotations that kick off the README file; the diffs should be

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*** old/README	2019-01-31 18:14:31.870244300 -0500
--- new/README	2019-01-31 18:17:19.249867300 -0500
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  README for the tz distribution
! "What time is it?" -- Richard Deacon as The King
! "Any time you want it to be." -- Frank Baxter as The Scientist
  					(from the Bell System film "About Time")
  The Time Zone Database (called tz, tzdb or zoneinfo) contains code and
--- 1,7 ----
  README for the tz distribution
! "Where do I set the hands of the clock?" -- Les Tremayne as The King
! "Oh that--you can set them any place you want." -- Frank Baxter as The Scientist
  					(from the Bell System film "About Time")
  The Time Zone Database (called tz, tzdb or zoneinfo) contains code and

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