[tz] DST ends 2040 in Oracle database
Brian Inglis
Brian.Inglis at SystematicSw.ab.ca
Thu Jan 31 22:17:44 UTC 2019
On 2019-01-30 16:50, Paul Eggert wrote:
> On 1/30/19 4:17 AM, Robert Elz wrote:
>> Bigger problem, does that mean the 8th of July or the 7th of August ?
> Yes, I picked "08/07/2019" for that reason. It's in US style appropriate for
> Puerto Rico, whereas the same date in typical German style would be
> "07.08.2019". If I were in charge of printing those dates, I'd use the
> international style "2019-08-07" to help avoid this ambiguity.
> The FDA regulations for drug expiration dating do not specify a date format,
> nor do they specify a resolution or whether UTC or local time should be used.
> A label can say just "Expires 2021" and apparently that's good enough. (It'd
> probably be pushing the envelope for a label to say "Expires in the third
> millennium".) See:
> https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?node=se21.4.211_1137
>> for anything that is years away from the manufaacture date is anyone (FDA
>> included) really asking anyone to believe that one day here or there is
>> going to make a difference, especially as environmental conditions are most
>> likely not well controlled. The hour (or two) of time variation for
>> summer time is never going to be relevant.
> Absolutely. In practice expiration dates are a big deal for only a few
> drugs: tetracycline, liquid antibiotics, insulin, nitroglycerin, epi pens,
> thyroid, blood thinners, some eye drops, and a few others. For most drugs,
> you can use stuff that is several years expired and you'll be fine. (If
> you're not expert in a drug, of course it's best to play safe and throw out
> expired drugs.) For more, see:
> Allen M. The myth of drug expiration dates. Pro Publica. 2017-07-18 05:00 -05.
> https://www.propublica.org/article/the-myth-of-drug-expiration-dates
Device expiration date is specified as ISO:
"Title 21 → Chapter I → Subchapter H → Part 801 → Subpart A → §801.18
Title 21: Food and Drugs
Subpart A—General Labeling Provisions
§801.18 Format of dates provided on a medical device label.
(a) In general. Whenever the label of a medical device includes a printed
expiration date, date of manufacture, or any other date intended to be brought
to the attention of the user of the device, the date must be presented in the
following format: The year, using four digits; followed by the month, using two
digits; followed by the day, using two digits; each separated by hyphens. For
example, January 2, 2014, must be presented as 2014-01-02.
[78 FR 58818, Sept. 24, 2013]"
Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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