[tz] More irrelevant political disputes about identifiers and labels

Brian Inglis Brian.Inglis at SystematicSw.ab.ca
Fri Jun 21 21:33:02 UTC 2019

On 2019-06-21 14:48, Paul Koning wrote:
>> On Jun 21, 2019, at 4:43 PM, Fred Gleason wrote:
>> On Fri, 2019-06-21 at 14:09 -0600, Brian Inglis wrote:
>>> Perhaps this would be a good time to reduce the dispute surface by 
>>> removing all country codes, all compatibility links, and all English time
>>> zone abbreviations, from all time zone data files, generating POSIX %z
>>> abbreviations.
>> This rather reminds me of the archtypical Dutch farmer in American colonial
>> times who burned down his own barn in order to rid it of rats.
> Another consideration is whether it would actually help. Part of the
> political issue is the name attached to the region in question. But another
> part is what the rule is for a region such as Crimea. I think that changing
> the zone name to 314159 wouldn't cure the problem that the actual numbers
> (the offsets and/or summer time rules) are "wrong" by some definitions.
They or their interface are choosing the wrong zone 06/0040 instead of 06/0072:
no Europe, Simferopol, or Kiev to bother about!

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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