[tz] Spelling of Ukrainian cities #KyivNotKiev

Vitaliy Stavropolskiy stavvit at gmail.com
Tue May 7 14:16:51 UTC 2019


Maybe it's time to change the spelling of Ukrainian cities
I've found a comment in the tzdb:

> # Admittedly English-language spelling of Ukrainian names is
> # controversial, and some day "Kyiv" may become substantially more popular
> in
> # English; in the meantime, stick with the traditional English "Kiev" as
> that
> # means less disruption for our users.

I think it's the right time to change it. For example, a lot of Airports
and international media did it.
For example,The Guardian:
Airports in London, Toronto, Istanbul, Bucharest, etc.:
1. https://twitter.com/GamanOleksandr/status/1108371955353305095
3. https://www.facebook.com/UkrEmbassyDK/posts/2189053684497098
You can find a lot of other examples by using hashtag #KyivNotKiev

Here is the link to the official information from the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of Ukraine: https://mfa.gov.ua/en/page/open/id/5418

Please, consider.

Best regards,
Vitalii Stavropolskyi
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