[tz] I: Brazil Won't Change Clocks in 2019

Mon May 27 12:46:12 UTC 2019

we got

We got this advice..


the latest 2019A iana table

Rule Brazil     2018 max  -    Nov  Sun>=1     0:00 1:00 -

So we need a new level..

Do you know when the Timezone package will be released'


Inviato: lunedì 27 maggio 2019 11:20
A: eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Cc: Anawesha Khuntia <AnaweshaK at in.ibm.com>; Java Timezone Utility Support <JTZU at uk.ibm.com>; Sbriccoli's L3 only <sbriccolisl3only at hcl.com>; SILVANO LUTRI <silvano.lutri at hcl.com>
Oggetto: Brazil Won't Change Clocks in 2019
Priorità: Alta

Hi Paul sorry to disturb but..
We got this advice..


We are using Iana 2019A table.

Basing on that it seems NO Nov 2019 changes are into them...but when the new IAN Dst olson will be released?

Inviato: lunedì 8 ottobre 2018 17:39
A: Paul Eggert <eggert at cs.ucla.edu<mailto:eggert at cs.ucla.edu>>; ALESSIO FIORAVANTI <alessio.fioravanti at hcl.com<mailto:alessio.fioravanti at hcl.com>>
Cc: Anawesha Khuntia <AnaweshaK at in.ibm.com<mailto:AnaweshaK at in.ibm.com>>; Java Timezone Utility Support <JTZU at uk.ibm.com<mailto:JTZU at uk.ibm.com>>; Sbriccoli's L3 only <sbriccolisl3only at hcl.com<mailto:sbriccolisl3only at hcl.com>>
Oggetto: Re: R: DST rBrazil 2018 changed again to Nov 18th ..When DST Olson table will be released?

Hi jtuz is not our tool. We owned tws product. Well at this time we need to wait official approval from Brazil president. Thanks
Da: Paul Eggert <eggert at cs.ucla.edu<mailto:eggert at cs.ucla.edu>>
Inviato: lunedì 8 ottobre 2018 17:25:46
Cc: Anawesha Khuntia; Java Timezone Utility Support; Sbriccoli's L3 only
Oggetto: Re: R: DST rBrazil 2018 changed again to Nov 18th ..When DST Olson table will be released?

On 10/8/18 8:15 AM, DONATELLA SABELLICO wrote:
> WAS/Java that means that we need also that JTUZ tool is refreshed with the new tables...
> So even if we update our packages with these "developer" dst olson table ... the Jtuz table will be not ....so the Jtuz tool will still not be updated.

You can update the Java tables from whatever data you like. See:

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