[tz] Spelling of Ukrainian cities #KyivNotKiev

Guy Harris guy at alum.mit.edu
Sun May 12 07:55:31 UTC 2019

On May 12, 2019, at 12:33 AM, Vitalii Stavropolskyi <stavvit at gmail.com> wrote:

> I see your point and thanks all for the explanation of how it should work.
> The main idea, as I understood, that software vendors haven't to use internal tzdb keys in UI. And I understand that it's hard to change keys.
> I have started communication with software vendors, but they often refer to the tz database,

Tell them to stop doing so.

And explain to them that the name of a tzdb zone is *N*O*T* an authoritative source for the name to be used for the city that happens to be used for the zone name.  Tell them to read


very carefully, and if they still refer to the tz database after reading that, tell them to read it *again*, as they clearly didn't understand what they were reading.

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