[tz] Europe/Volgograd timezone changes in Russia

Novoselov, Iliya Iliya.Novoselov at nexign.com
Tue Dec 1 10:54:43 UTC 2020


We're writing you on behalf of Russian software developer - Nexign, and all of its clients. Your IANA DB is used in our products as an industrial standart.
The reason of this email is that Russian government is about to decide to change the  Europe/Volgograd timezone from +4 to +3. This is going to affect our software and our customers, so we would like to know:

1.       Are you aware of this changes?

2.       Has the patch of IANA DB been planned already? If not, what should be done for that to happen, and how can we help?

Iliya Novoselov
Teamlead, "Tariffication" Domain, Saint-Petersburg city
Maintenance and Support Department
iliya.novoselov at nexign-systems.com<mailto:iliya.novoselov at nexign-systems.com>

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