[tz] Volgograd is planning to change its time zone back to Moscow on December 20, 2020

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Fri Dec 4 22:06:08 UTC 2020

On 12/4/20 12:34 PM, Stepan Golosunov wrote:

> Currently proposed text for the second reading (expected on
> Decemeber 8) on https://sozd.duma.gov.ru/bill/1012130-7 changes the
> date to December 27.

Thanks for the heads-up. It looks like I may have jumped the gun a little bit by 
installing the effective-December-20 change into the tzdb development sources. 
Still, it seems more likely that Volgograd will change on December 27, than that 
it won't change at all. So I installed the attached proposed patch to do that. 
I'd like to see what happens next week (or the week later or whatever), to make 
sure the change is final, before generating a new tzdb release.
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