[tz] Fwd: DST changes in Hungary (full historical revision)
Michael H Deckers
michael.h.deckers at googlemail.com
Wed Jun 10 11:26:07 UTC 2020
On 2020-06-09 20:52, Paul Eggert wrote about strange jumps in tzdb
time scales:
> There are other such cases in tzdb. For example, the 1911-03-11 transition in
> Paris is from 00:01 Paris Mean Time to 23:51:39 GMT the previous day. If the
> comments are right this transition came from Ciro Disceopolo but we don't have
> exact citations.
Well, that is what tzdb says, but what actually happened was different,
and it was the same in Paris and in Monaco.
Le Gaulois, 1911-03-11, page 1/6, online at
"Instantanément, toutes les horloges pneumatiques s'arrêtèrent...
Neuf minutes vingt et une seconde plus tard, les aiguilles
reprirent leur marche circulaire."
[ Instantly, all pressure driven clock dials halted...
Nine minues and twenty-one seconds later the hands
resumed their circular motion. ]
There are also precise reports about how the change was prepared in
stations: all the publicly visible clocks stopped at midnight
railway time
(or were covered), only the chief of service had a watch, labeled
"Heure ancienne", that he kept running until it reached 00:04:21, when
he announced "Heure nouvelle". See the "Le Petit Journal 1911-03-11",
online at
Anyway, thanks for your remarks!
Michael Deckers.
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