[tz] North Vietnam 1970 to 1975 - Asia/Hanoi belongs into main file

pierreneter pierreneter at gmail.com
Sun Jun 28 23:17:52 UTC 2020

Sorry for my curiosity, if Asia/Bangkok represents areas with a time zone
of +7, then why was Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh created?

On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 4:12 AM Paul Eggert <eggert at cs.ucla.edu> wrote:

> On 6/28/20 7:42 AM, Alois Treindl wrote:
> > The public geonames.org database  assigns the zone Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh for
> all
> > location in country VN (Vietnam).
> > This indicates that the comment above is not followed.
> That's a problem with the geonames.org database, and I suggest reporting
> the bug
> to them. The bug should be reported regardless of whether we change tzdb
> since
> geonames.org should work with what we have now as well as with what we
> might
> have in the future. You can point them at the zone1970.tab file to help
> explain
> the situation.
> A little background here. We don't have the resources to create entries for
> every location in this part of southeast Asia, with different transition
> times
> for when locations changed hands between North and South Vietnam during the
> 1970-1975 conflict. So we approximate by using Ho Chi Minh as the
> representative
> for clocks in south Vietnam, and Bangkok as the representative for clocks
> in
> Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and north Vietnam. We have links from
> Asia/Bangkok to
> Asia/Phnom_Penh and Asia/Vientiane for backward-compatibility purposes
> only, as
> the names Asia/Phnom_Penh and Asia/Vientiane would not exist according to
> today's guidelines. There's no need for a backward-compatibility link for
> Asia/Hanoi since that name never existed in tzdb. These are all technical
> reasons, not political ones.
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