[tz] Update Ukrainian Timezones Names

Brian Inglis Brian.Inglis at SystematicSw.ab.ca
Tue Mar 10 20:35:08 UTC 2020

On 2020-03-07 08:22, Paul Eggert wrote:
> On 3/6/20 3:44 PM, bebyx via tz wrote:
>> Default timezone names for Ukraine, e.g. Europe/Kiev, are more understandable
>> and correct than ridiculous fantasy style, e.g. Ruthenia.
> We can't simply blank the "comments" column, because the user interface for
> tzselect currently looks like the interaction quoted at the end of this email,
> and if the last four lines say simply "1) 2) 3) 4)" the user won't know what to
> select. Presumably there would be similar problems with fancier user interfaces
> employing this data.
> The "(most areas)" comment in Ukraine is similar to comments used in Australia,
> Canada, and other countries. Perhaps you can suggest better comments identifying
> the three smaller regions involved. Comments should be in the English language
> and aimed at an English-language audience.

Looking at the area names used in news articles and Wikipedia, the suggestions
below seem to be used most (the region is more consistently called Luhansk using
the Ukrainian transliteration, while the city is as often called by the Russian
transliteration Lugansk - more political fodder):

> $ tzselect
> Please identify a location so that time zone rules can be set correctly.
> Please select a continent, ocean, "coord", or "TZ".

>  7) Europe

> #? 7
> Please select a country whose clocks agree with yours.

> 15) France          32) Montenegro        49) Ukraine

> #? 49
> Please select one of the following time zone regions.
> 1) MSK+00 - Crimea
> 2) Ukraine (most areas)
  3) Zakarpatska (Transcarpathia)
  4) Zaporozhye, Luhansk (East)

Because of regional alliances, I wonder that Donetsk did not participate in 4.
The region appears also to be called Zaporizjzja internationally.

According to https://tass.com/world/756540 the Donbass (Donets Basin) region
(largest city Donetsk): Donetsk People's Republic (DPR/DNR - SE Donetsk region -
largest city Donetsk https://www.geonames.org/709717/donetsk.html N 48°01′23″ E
37°48′08″) and Lu[gh]ansk People's Republic (LPR/LNR - S Luhansk region -
largest city Lu[gh]ansk https://www.geonames.org/709717/luhansk.html N 48°34′01″
E 39°19′01″) switched to Moscow time on 2014 October 26 like other Russian zones.

Western news sources report Ukraine admitted no control over those regions since
mid-2014, and those regions have not participated in Ukrainian elections

Due to conflict, lack of stable government, and migrations, population numbers
are likely different, and probably down, from the latest 2008 statistics
available in that region:

You may want to consider adding zones for those regions considering their
history e.g.
[RU,]UA	+4801+03748	Europe/Donetsk	MSK+00 - DPR
[RU,]UA	+4834+03919	Europe/Luhansk	MSK+00 - LPR

with histories based on Kiev and Zaporozhye, recently updated like Simferopol:

Zone Europe/Donetsk     2:02:04 -       LMT     1880
                        2:02:04 -       KMT     1924 May  2 # Kiev Mean Time
                        2:00    -       EET     1930 Jun 21
                        3:00    -       MSK     1941 Sep 20
                        1:00    C-Eur   CE%sT   1943 Nov  6
                        3:00    Russia  MSK/MSD 1990 Jul  1  2:00
                        2:00    1:00    EEST    1991 Sep 29  3:00
                        2:00    E-Eur   EE%sT   1995
                        2:00    EU      EE%sT   2014 Oct 26  2:00s
                        3:00    -       MSK

Zone Europe/Luhansk     2:20:40 -       LMT     1880
                        2:20    -       +0220   1924 May  2
                        2:00    -       EET     1930 Jun 21
                        3:00    -       MSK     1941 Aug 25
                        1:00    C-Eur   CE%sT   1943 Oct 25
                        3:00    Russia  MSK/MSD 1991 Mar 31  2:00
                        2:00    E-Eur   EE%sT   1995
                        2:00    EU      EE%sT   2014 Oct 26  2:00s
                        3:00    -       MSK

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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