[tz] zdump with version 1 files

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Sat Mar 21 20:17:02 UTC 2020

On 3/20/20 5:48 AM, Paul Ganssle wrote:
> I have been attempting to generate some version 1
> files for test purposes (in the sadly likely event that some people only
> have version 1 TZif files deployed).

Do you have reason to believe that people still use version-1 TZif files? As far 
as I can recall, only Android limits itself to 32-bit timestamps (expiring in 
2039) among current operating systems, even the 32-bit OSes. However, Android no 
longer uses separate TZif files and instead bundles up tzdata as part of a 
single larger file somehow.

I don't know where this stuff is written down; it's merely part of my vague 
recollection and could be incorrect.

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