[tz] zdump with version 1 files

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Sat Mar 21 21:30:44 UTC 2020

On 3/21/20 2:06 PM, Hal Murray wrote:
>> As far  as I can recall, only Android limits itself to 32-bit timestamps
>> (expiring in  2039) among current operating systems, even the 32-bit OSes.
> I assume you mean time_t when you say "timestamps".

I should have been clearer. I was referring to the TZif files, not to time_t. 
That is, my understanding is that even 32-bit Debian, FreeBSD/Intel, etc. ship 
TZif files that support 64-bit timestamps. This is because zic.c (which these 
OSes use) generates only version-2 and version-3 TZif files, and these TZif 
files support 64-bit timestamps.  Even when zic.c is compiled on a machine where 
time_t and long are only 32 bits wide, it should still generate 64-bit timestamps.

In the old days these 64-bit TZif files were arguably overkill for 32-bit OSes, 
but even then the convenience of architecture-independence outweighed the 
disadvantage of bloat on 32-bit platforms. And now that Internet RFC 8536 says 
that version-1 TZif files should not be generated and that readers should ignore 
the version 1 header and data block in TZif files, only museum-piece platforms 
should have version-1 TZif files.

By "museum-piece" I mean platforms derived from tzcode2006a and earlier, as 
2006b introduced 64-bit support and no longer generated 32-bit-only TZif files. 
  I hope we can safely ignore such platforms now.

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