[tz] Some time zone history (1)

P Chan legco at outlook.com
Fri Nov 20 15:00:19 UTC 2020


Legislation related to the DST in 1917 and 1942-1944:

Daylight Saving Act 1916 (No. 40 of 1916) [1916-12-21, commenced on 1917-01-01]

Daylight Saving Repeal Act 1917 (No. 35 of 1917) [1917-09-25]

Statutory Rules 1941, No. 323 [1941-12-24]

Statutory Rules 1942, No. 392 [1942-09-10]

Statutory Rules 1943, No. 241 [1943-09-29]

All transition times should be 02:00 standard time.

Tasmania observed DST in 1916-1919.

Daylight Saving Act, 1916 (7 Geo V, No 2) [1916-09-22]

Daylight Saving Amendment Act, 1917 (8 Geo V, No 5) [1917-10-01]

Daylight Saving Act Repeal Act, 1919 (10 Geo V, No 9) [1919-10-24]

King Island is only mentioned in the 1967 Act but not the 1968 Act. Therefore it possibly observed DST from 1968/69.

Daylight Saving Act 1967 (No. 33 of 1967) [1967-09-22]

Daylight Saving Act 1968 (No. 42 of 1968) [1968-10-15]


Apart from the current rules, DST was also observed in 1917-1918, 1942-1945, 1947-1952 and 1956.

Most of the information can be found online from the Bermuda National Library - Digital Collection which includes The Royal Gazette (RG) until 1957
I will cite the ID. For example, [10000] means https://bnl.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/BermudaNP02/id/10000

1917: Apr 5 midnight to Sep 30 midnight
Daylight Saving Act, 1917 (1917 No. 13) [1917-04-02]
Bermuda Acts and Resolves 1917, p 37-38

RG, 1917-04-04, p 6  [42340]
gives the spring forward date.

1918: Apr 13 midnight to Sep 15 midnight
Daylight Saving Act, 1918 (1918 No. 9) [1918-04-06]
Bermuda Acts and Resolves 1917, p 13

Note that local mean time was still used before 1930.

During WWII, DST was introduced by Defence Regulations
1942: Jan 11 02:00 to Oct 18 02:00 [113646], [115726]
1943: Mar 21 02:00 to Oct 31 02:00 [116704], [118193]
1944: Mar 12 02:00 to Nov 5 02:00 [119225], [121593]
1945: Mar 11 02:00 to Nov 4 02:00 [122369], [124461]
RG, 1942-01-08, p 2, 1942-10-12, p 2 , 1943-03-06, p 2, 1943-09-03, p 1, 1944-02-29, p 6, 1944-09-20, p 2, 1945-02-13, p 2, 1945-11-03, p 1

In 1946, the House of Assembly rejected DST twice. [128686], [128076]
RG, 1946-03-16 p 1,1946-04-13 p 1

1947: third Sunday in May 02:00 to second Sunday in September 02:00
DST in 1947 was defined in the Daylight Saving Act, 1947 (1947: No. 12) which expired at the end of the year. 
[125784] ,[132405], [144454], [138226]
RG, 1947-02-27, p 1, 1947-05-15, p 1, 1947-09-13, p 1, 1947-12-30, p 1

1948-1952: fourth Sunday in May 02:00 to first Sunday in September 02:00
DST in 1948 was defined in the Daylight Saving Act, 1948 (1948 : No. 12) which was set to expired at the end of the year but it was extended until the end of 1952 and was not further extended.
[129802], [139403], [146008], [135240], [144330], [139049], [143309], [148271], [149773], [153589], [153802], [155924]
RG, 1948-04-13, p 1, 1948-05-22, p 1, 1948-09-04, p 1, 1949-05-21, p1, 1949-09-03, p 1, 1950-05-27 p 1, 1950-09-02, p 1, 1951-05-27, p 1, 1951-09-01, p 1, 1952-05-23, p 1, 1952-09-26, p 1, 1952-12-21, p 8

In 1953-1955, the House of Assembly rejected DST each year. [158996], [162620], [166720]
RG, 1953-05-02, p 1, 1954-04-01 p 1, 1955-03-12, p 1

1956: fourth Sunday in May 02:00 to last Sunday in October 02:00
Time Zone (Seasonal Variation) Act, 1956 (1956: No.44) [1956-05-25]
Bermuda Public Acts 1956, p 331-332

The extension of the Act was rejected by the House of Assembly. [176218]
RG, 1956-12-13, p 1

>From the Chronological Table of Public and Private Acts up to 1985, it seems that there does not exist other Acts related to DST before 1973.
Public Acts of the Legislature of the Islands of Bermuda, Together with Statutory Instruments in Force Thereunder, Vol VII

Gold Coast (Ghana)

Interpretation Amendment Ordinance, 1915 (No.24 of 1915) [1915-11-02]
Ordinances of the Gold Coast, Ashanti, Northern Territories 1915, p 69-71
This Ordinance added "'Time' shall mean Greenwich Mean Time" to the Interpretation Ordinance, 1876. 

Determination of the Time Ordinance, 1919 (No. 18 of 1919) [1919-11-24]
Ordinances of the Gold Coast, Ashanti, Northern Territories 1919, p 75-76
This Ordinance removed the previous definition of time and introduced DST.

Time Determination Ordinance (Cap. 214)
The Laws of the Gold Coast (including Togoland Under British Mandate) Vol. II (1937), p 2328
Revised edition of the 1919 Ordinance.

Time Determination (Amendment) Ordinance, 1940 (No. 9 of 1940) [1940-04-06]
Annual Volume of the Laws of the Gold Coast: Containing All Legislation Enacted During Year 1940, p 22
This Ordinance changed the forward transition from September to May.

Defence (Time Determination Ordinance Amendment) Regulations, 1942 (Regulations No. 6 of 1942) [1942-01-31, commenced on 1942-02-08]
Annual Volume of the Laws of the Gold Coast: Containing All Legislation Enacted During Year 1942, p 48
These regulations advanced the time by thirty minutes.

Defence (Time Determination Ordinance Amendment (No.2)) Regulations, 1942 (Regulations No. 28 of 1942) [1942-04-25]
Annual Volume of the Laws of the Gold Coast: Containing All Legislation Enacted During Year 1942, p 87
These regulations abolished DST and changed the time to GMT+0:30.

Defence (Revocation) (No.4) Regulations, 1945 (Regulations No. 45 of 1945) [1945-10-24, commenced on 1946-01-06]
Annual Volume of the Laws of the Gold Coast: Containing All Legislation Enacted During Year 1945, p 256
These regulations revoked the previous two sets of Regulations.

Time Determination (Amendment) Ordinance, 1945 (No. 18 of 1945) [1946-01-06]
Annual Volume of the Laws of the Gold Coast: Containing All Legislation Enacted During Year 1945, p 69
This Ordinance abolished DST.

Time Determination (Amendment) Ordinance, 1950 (No. 26 of 1950) [1950-07-22]
Annual Volume of the Laws of the Gold Coast: Containing All Legislation Enacted During Year 1950, p 35
This Ordinance restored DST but with thirty minutes offset.

Time Determination Ordinance (Cap. 264)
The Laws of the Gold Coast, Vol. V (1954), p 380
Revised edition of the Time Determination Ordinance.

Time Determination (Amendment) Ordinance, 1956 (No. 21 of 1956) [1956-08-29]
Annual Volume of the Ordinances of the Gold Coast Enacted During the Year 1956, p 83
This Ordinance abolished DST.

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