[tz] Volgograd is planning to change its time zone back to Moscow on December 20, 2020

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Sat Nov 28 01:01:08 UTC 2020

On 11/27/20 1:23 PM, wtz at worldtimezone.com wrote:
> The State Duma approved (Nov 24, 2020) the transition of the Volgograd region to 
> the Moscow time zone.

Thanks for the heads-up. My reading of the tea leaves (admittedly from a good 
distance away) is that it's significantly more likely for this change to be 
approved than disapproved, so a proposed patch is attached and I installed this 
into the development version on GitHub.

Do you happen to know approximately when the change might be approved? We could 
do a tzdb release soon after official approval.
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