[tz] Fiji Day Light Saving

Tim Parenti tim at timtimeonline.com
Thu Oct 8 22:02:42 UTC 2020

On Thu, 8 Oct 2020 at 12:33, Alan Mintz <alan.mintz at gmail.com> wrote:

> The document itself is at https://www.laws.gov.fj/LawsAsMade/GetFile/1071
> (I don't know how stable that link is).

Thanks for the link.  A similar link from the same system for last year's
order still works, so it seems like a reasonably stable option.

briefly on the topic:
"Minister for Employment, Parveen Bala says they had never thought of
stopping daylight saving. He says it was just to decide on when it should
start and end.  Bala says it is a short period…"

Our previous prediction had DST in Fiji starting on 8 November, so this
means we'll need another new release before too long.  Without further
guidance, it's difficult to infer much from the six-week delay, but with
the end date remaining the same as our previous predictions (making for
only four weeks of DST!), I'm inclined to take that as indication that this
is more likely a one-time departure from the recent pattern.

I've installed the attached patch to the development repository.

Tim Parenti

On Thu, 8 Oct 2020 at 12:33, Alan Mintz <alan.mintz at gmail.com> wrote:

> Officially at https://www.laws.gov.fj/LawsAsMade# . Expand the Legal
> Notices section, choose LN 91 (currently the last entry). The document
> itself is at https://www.laws.gov.fj/LawsAsMade/GetFile/1071 (I don't
> know how stable that link is).
> On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 7:35 AM Paul Ganssle <paul at ganssle.io> wrote:
>> Is this published somewhere official? I can find similar legal notices on
>> the Fijian government website here:
>> https://www.fiji.gov.fj/Fiji-Laws/Legal-Notices.aspx
>> But nothing is posted there since March 2019, and I can't find any news
>> coverage or press release associated with this.
>> On 10/8/20 12:45 AM, Raymond Kumar wrote:
>> Hi Paul
>> Please find attached gazette for DST changes in Fiji.
>> It is from December 20th 2020, till 17th January 2021.
>> Thanks
>> Raymond Kumar
>> Head of Billing & Products
>> +6797015315
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> --
> Alan Mintz <Alan.Mintz at gMail.com>
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