[tz] make rearguard_tarballs fails on macOS

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Sat Oct 17 03:02:41 UTC 2020

On 10/16/20 7:41 PM, Deborah Goldsmith via tz wrote:
> The change to Makefile for 2020c makes it fail on macOS, as the touch command on Darwin does not have a -d option:

Thanks for reporting that. I installed the attached proposed patch into the 
development repository on GitHub.

macOS uses FreeBSD utilities, right? According to the FreeBSD man page server, 
FreeBSD 'touch' has supported -d since FreeBSD 10 (2014). Is macOS still using 
older FreeBSD 'touch', or is the problem limited to older macOS releases (and if 
so, which ones)?

In the meantime, you should be able to work around the problem by building 
rearguard tarballs on GNU/Linux, or on any other platform conforming to 
POSIX-2008 or later that has a working 'tar' program.
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