[tz] [PROPOSED 2/2] Cite Tom Scott on Danish time

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Sun Oct 18 00:48:27 UTC 2020

On 10/17/20 5:16 PM, Tim Parenti wrote:
> When the video was published on 2019-02-18, its title at launch was
> originally "Why Denmark Is .07 Seconds Behind The World".  From 4:45 in
> that video: "I've written some code that will keep checking the clocks and
> automatically update the title of this video as we go. At least until the
> code breaks and I can't be bothered to fix it anymore."

Yes, I hope his code has broken by now so it's stuck on -.17. If not, we can 
change the citation to not mention the video's title.

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