[tz] timezone DB distribution

Michael Douglass mikeadouglass at gmail.com
Tue Sep 8 03:06:20 UTC 2020

On 9/7/20 19:43, Tim Parenti wrote:
> A reasonable criterion for inclusion should probably be whether the 
> service makes the protocol accessible for arbitrary consumption, 
> whether openly or by authenticated subscription.
> The phrase "supports TZDIST" can of course mean several 
> different things, but while there are benefits to using the protocol 
> internally to a product, I don't think this fulfills the expectation 
> that it would tend to evoke here.  From the perspective of someone 
> reading tz-link.html, it's much more important to answer "where are 
> some public tzdist servers I can point my project to?" rather than 
> "what's something that happens to speak tzdist to its own clients?"  
> (The latter, frankly, is of little relevance to consumers of the tz 
> project data.)

We implemented (and use) those servers to provide a starting point. 
Having a service requires some infrastructure maintained by some body or 
consortium. I believe Ken's server fully supports tzdist (and beyond). 
Mine may be a little out of date but supports pretty much the latest.

However, neither of us can provide the infrastructure - that's for 
somebody such as IANA

> --
> Tim Parenti
> On Mon, 7 Sep 2020 at 17:24, Paul Eggert <eggert at cs.ucla.edu 
> <mailto:eggert at cs.ucla.edu>> wrote:
>     On 9/7/20 1:23 PM, Brian Inglis wrote:
>     > If you follow those links and dig into those servers, they
>     appear to be mail
>     > server calendar addins, which use vzic to convert tzdata source
>     into VTIMEZONEs,
>     > for updating and caching calendar zones, not providing any kind
>     of service or
>     > distribution, except to their own mail server calendar clients.
>     Thanks for following those links, which I didn't bother to do. If
>     they don't
>     support the TZDIST protocol then I suppose I should revert the
>     recently-proposed
>     change to tz-links.html[1] which says they do.
>     [1]
>     https://github.com/eggert/tz/commit/cb2d288ae0bb3aa5fb7cc94480ea955ff76bd183
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