[tz] FW: [Ext] The TZ Coordination
afaf at anrt.ma
Fri Apr 2 17:03:01 UTC 2021
Dear Paul,
Thank you very much for your kind feedback.
Yes, we would return to GMT+1 on May 16 (02:00)
Best regards,
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Paul Eggert <eggert at cs.ucla.edu>
Envoyé : mercredi 31 mars 2021 18:31
À : EL MAAYATI Afaf <afaf at anrt.ma>
Cc : Naela Sarras <naela.sarras at iana.org>; Time zone mailing list <tz at iana.org>; ma <ma at anrt.ma>
Objet : Re: [tz] FW: [Ext] The TZ Coordination
On 3/31/21 9:17 AM, EL MAAYATI Afaf wrote:
> So, I wonder if you could please confirm that the tansition, in IANA Time Zone Data Base, would be effective as annouced (Sunday 11 April at 03 AM).
Yes, for tzdb 2018h and later; see the following. I hope our prediction for May will be correct as well.
$ zdump -V -c 2021,2022 Africa/Casablanca Africa/Casablanca Sun Apr 11 01:59:59 2021 UT = Sun Apr 11 02:59:59
2021 +01 isdst=0 gmtoff=3600
Africa/Casablanca Sun Apr 11 02:00:00 2021 UT = Sun Apr 11 02:00:00
2021 +00 isdst=1 gmtoff=0
Africa/Casablanca Sun May 16 01:59:59 2021 UT = Sun May 16 01:59:59
2021 +00 isdst=1 gmtoff=0
Africa/Casablanca Sun May 16 02:00:00 2021 UT = Sun May 16 03:00:00
2021 +01 isdst=0 gmtoff=3600
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