[tz] New IANA-timezone support date/time library

Kerry Shetline kshetline at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 21:31:30 UTC 2021

At this point, the @tubular/time library only works with whatever the latest tzdb version was at the time a particular release gets built, or whatever the latest version of tzdb is that has been made available for download live via the release of a new version of @tubular/time. The library doesn’t go straight to the tzdb to grab the updates, but rather to its own repo where the data has been pre-processed into a more easily digested form.

I am, however, considering translating the Java code that does the preprocessing into JavaScript, and I’ll definitely consider making that code available as an add-on module to my main library. The Java code can access all tzdb versions, as will any JavaScript port, so that should provide what you’d be looking for.

Just a vague plan for now, however. No release schedule ;)


> On 2021-02-22, at 13:04, Brian Park <brian at xparks.net> wrote:
> Thanks for the info. I scanned through the Readme page, but I couldn't find the answer to my question: Does your library have the ability to set the underlying database to a specific TZDB version (e.g. 2019f, 2021a)?
> I would like this feature to get deterministic functional testing, instead of having the OS change the underlying TZDB version underneath me. The HowardHinnant C++ date library (https://github.com/HowardHinnant/date <https://github.com/HowardHinnant/date>) is the only library that I know that has this feature. I am looking for a second library.
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