[tz] Negative leap seconds in mainstream media

Brooks Harris brooks at edlmax.com
Tue Jan 12 22:02:48 UTC 2021

On 2021-01-12 4:14 PM, Øyvind A. Holm wrote:
> On 2021-01-12 10:26:03, Brian Inglis wrote:
>> One problem may have been that the last leap second was declared when
>> dUT1  was changing rapidly but 6 months later had reached only about
>> -0.4 in 2017  Jan, when the leap second flipped it to about +0.5, dUT1
>> kept going down to  -0.1 around 2019 Mar, and it's wobbled between
>> that and -0.25 since then;  see:
>> https://datacenter.iers.org/data/latestVersion/224_EOP_C04_14.62-NOW.IAU2000A224.txt
> This looks like a very interesting table to study. Could you point me to
> a document that describes the column values, or maybe give a brief
> description of the column abbreviations? I might create a project out of
> this on Gitlab with SQLite and scripts to visualize the data.
> Thanks for the interesting link,
> Øyvind
> N 60.376° E 5.3334°
> OpenPGP fingerprint: A006 05D6 E676 B319 55E2  E77E FB0C BEE8 94A5 06E5
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