[tz] South Sudan to change time zone?

Brian Inglis Brian.Inglis at SystematicSw.ab.ca
Sat Jan 30 06:00:12 UTC 2021

On 2021-01-29 15:28, Paul Eggert wrote:
> On 1/29/21 2:34 AM, Steffen Thorsen wrote:
>> http://southsudan24news.com/south-sudan-change-its-time-zone-in-february-1-2021/
>> "The change will occur at 00:00 (midnight) on February 1, when clocks will be 
>> set back 1 hour to 23:00 (11:00 pm)."
>> and
>> https://www.sudanspost.com/s-sudan-to-share-time-zone-with-sudan-egypt/
>> https://kampalapost.com/content/south-sudan-changes-official-time-zone
> Unfortunately, the third URL contradicts the first one, by reporting that a 
> government official said that the transition will occur at 01:00 (switching to 
> 00:00) rather than 00:00 (switching to 23:00 the previous day). This is the 
> first I've seen of such an assertion, and as it contradicts our other sources 
> I'm somewhat inclined to discount it. But here is the quote:
> South Sudan’s undersecretary in the ministry of labour Mary Hillary Wan Pitia, 
> Thursday officially communicated, “South Sudan has changed its official time 
> from UTC +3 to UTC +2; which is based on South Sudan’s real location on the globe.”
> The undersecretary added, “This means that the current time is set back by one 
> hour. The current 1:00 am will be set back to 00:00 am, from February 1, 2021.

Undersecretary in the Ministry of Labour *NOT* Ministry of ICT & Postal 
Services, so there may be a loss in accuracy, comprehension, and understanding, 
  and there appears to be no obvious site for official communication of recent 
or relevant information other than

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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