[tz] Regarding TimezoneDb page on Wiki

Sachin Mahajan essem76 at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 12 12:23:21 UTC 2021

Dear Folks at IANA,
Todays Greetings!!,
I really appreciate your efforts to design & maintain TimezoneDb
While searching on the net, I couldn't find any list where there is a mapping between 2 different set of timezone record schemes. For example
    "Europe/Vienna"  maps to "(CET) Central European Time"

So, I prepared a list for the same.(see the screenshot attached), along with relevant record like timeOffsets, countryCode, hasDST, etc., & want to share it with you IF it is of any value for the cause.I used wiki references & some PHP code for the same.
If you think that my list is of any value, I will be glad to share the Excel worksheet it with you..
Thanks & Regards,
Sachin M
PS: Is there any reason why you haven't differentiated between North America & South America in the tz database?
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