[tz] Breach of tzdb charter: Merging timezones is not within the charter

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Thu Jun 3 23:12:03 UTC 2021

On 6/3/21 3:45 PM, David Patte via tz wrote:
> My understanding is that the backzone data is complete and up-to-date 
> for each zone that ever existed.

That's not quite right. First, some tzdb zones have gone missing over 
the years and nobody has taken the time to resurrect them for backzone. 
More importantly, "complete and up-to-date" suggests that backzone data 
is of high or comparable quality to the main database, which it's not: 
backzone contains lower-quality data that in some cases is surely wrong. 
(backzone does have some good entries, some bad, with little or 
indication of which is which.)

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