[tz] Pre-1970 data

Guy Harris gharris at sonic.net
Fri Nov 5 20:47:27 UTC 2021

On Nov 5, 2021, at 1:31 PM, Garrett Wollman <wollman at csail.mit.edu> wrote:

> If only that were so. I took note of the following post from ISO New England, the electric grid operator for most of New England, reminding energy market participants using one of their applications (NEXTT) that times are displayed in "America/New_York" time:
> <https://isonewswire.com/2021/11/01/daylight-saving-time-ends-sunday-fall-back-to-eastern-standard-time/>

The set of users confronted with Web sites doing a lazy form of time zone selection (having signed up for COVID-19 vaccinations at Safeway, I'm a member of that set) is still a subset of the set of end users.

But software should do better.  macOS and Ubuntu do; OpenStreetMap may enable doing better in a number of situations.

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