[tz] Palestine winter time

Clive D.W. Feather clive at davros.org
Wed Oct 20 09:11:38 UTC 2021

Heba Hamad via tz said:
> I'm  Heba Hamad .I have been appointed as a focal point by the Ministry of telec
> ommunication and information technology (state of Palestine) to communicate with
>  you.
> We would like to inform you that winter time will begin in Palestine from Friday
>  10-29  ,01:00 AM  by 60 minutes backwards.

Dear Mr Hamad,

Thank you for this.

Could you please confirm that I have understood this correctly: time in
Palestine will run normally until 00:59:59 on Friday 29th October, when
clocks will be put back one hour to 00:00:00. Is that correct?


Clive Feather

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