[tz] [CfP][CalendarFest] Call for lightning talk proposals for CalendarFest 2021 - current topics in electronic calendaring

Hans-Joerg Happel happel at audriga.com
Wed Sep 15 15:38:28 UTC 2021


my apologies for being slightly off topic, but I guess this might be 
interesting to see some of you / related to some topics discussed on 
this list.

Please feel also free to forward this to anybody you might have in mind, 
who is dealing with novel calendaring solutions and ideas and might be 
interested in community discussion.

Thanks and best,


CalendarFest is a novel (virtual) event, which wants to let users and 
developers of (electronic) calendar applications, servers, and related 
groupware systems, share experiences and discuss novel ideas.

CalendarFest will take place *18th of October*, 02:30h PM UTC virtually 
via Zoom, and is held in conjunction with the CalConnect virtual 

        Lightning talks

People who wish to discuss or present certain topics are invited to 
submit a *proposal for lightning talks*.

Lightning Talk presentations will be a maximum of 15-20 minutes each. 
Presenters may use slides, but these must be submitted to the Lightning 
Talks chair a few days before the presentation.


Lightning Talk proposals must be submitted in PDF format. The proposal 
is limited to 1 page, 500 words max. The full proposal contains a title, 
an abstract (maximum 250 words) and a description where you should 
explain your talk in more detail. It will be helpful for reviewers to 
know why you are excited about the topic, and why you think others will 
be interested too. Outline how you plan to present your topic. The 
proposal also may contain a link to a website with more information.

        Possible Topics

  * Enterprise calendaring
  * Public calendaring
  * Calendaring and Semantic Web/Linked Data
  * Calendar Interoperability and Migration
  * Calendaring Security and Privacy by Design
  * Personal information management (PIM) and groupware
  * AI in calendaring
  * Calendaring and scheduling in IoT
  * Mobile calendaring
  * Calendar visualization, user experience and usability
  * Novel applications of calendars
  * Calendaring standards (vCard, iCal, CalDAV, CardDAV, JMAP)
  * Date/Time representations and Time zones
  * Business models for calendaring and groupware

        Program committee

Submissions will be reviewed by the following members of the CalConnect 
TC-CLIENT technical committee:

  * Mike Douglass
  * Hans-Jörg Happel
  * Alex Nimmervoll


  * Send your lightning talk proposal to *calendarfest at calconnect.org
    <mailto:calendarfest at calconnect.org>* until *October, 4th*
  * You will receive a notification of acceptance or reject by October, 11th
  * CalendarFest will take place on October, 18th


Participation at CalendarFest will be free for presenters of accepted 
talks. Other participants need to register 
for a small organizational fee, which also allows for participation at 
the “colocated” CalConnect Virtual Conference.


CalConnect (www.calconnect.org <http://www.calconnect.org>) is a 
non-profit partnership between vendors and users of collaboration 
systems and tools, in particular calendaring and scheduling. CalConnect 
members convene regularly to discuss and develop standards for 
electronic calendaring and related topics.

The goal of CalendarFest, which is held in conjunction with the 
CalConnect Virtual Conference, is to provide an interdisciplinary 
discussion space for current topics in electronic calendaring from 
different perspectives.

*CalendarFest website: https://public.calconnect.org/CalendarFest/*
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